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Waste Collection Software and Route Optimisation: The Key to Efficiency

Written by Sebastian Mehl | Mar 28, 2024 8:04:55 AM

You probably come across these promises more often: "Our waste collection software does everything for you", "Our route optimization app saves you time and money". But is it really that straightforward? Let's delve into how modern technology, specifically waste collection software and route optimisation, truly functions and which role they play.  

The Power of Waste Collection Software and Route Optimisation 

Today, the capabilities of waste collection software seem limitless. Providers showcase how cities like Maastricht optimise their routes and streamline waste collection processes through data analysis. However, let's not be dazzled by the glossy assurances. Despite the cutting-edge technology, the world of waste collection isn't as simplistic as clicking a button. 

The Importance of Efficient Routes 

Optimising routes entails a multifaceted process that doesn't solely hinge on the computational prowess of computers. Contemporary apps like route optimisation can indeed assist in calculating the most efficient routes from point A to B, but they fail to encompass all the nuances of the real world. Unforeseen circumstances such as traffic congestion or road closures can swiftly disrupt meticulously planned routes. 

Human Insight in Practice 

Here is where human experience comes into play. Your colleagues on the ground possess firsthand knowledge of street conditions and potential obstacles. They can evaluate and tweak the proposed routes from the software to ensure practicality. The amalgamation of technology and human insight enables the creation of efficient and adaptable waste collection routes that align with real-world exigencies. 

Key Considerations in Route Optimisation  

  • Road information 
  • Vehicle properties 
  • Traffic congestion at the time of travel 

But that's not all. For door-to-door collection, more information is needed, such as the ability to turn at specific points, unexpected obstructions (e.g., moving trucks), and logical routes for your drivers. This means that the optimally calculated route by the software often doesn't align with reality. You need more than just computer skills. The solution? Involve your colleagues!

Continuous Improvement with Relevant Information 

Naturally, steering execution with relevant information takes time. By building and processing experience, execution improves. But with the right combination of technology and human insight, we can truly achieve successful results in optimising waste collection routes. 

How about you? Are you already leveraging waste collection software or a route optimisation app? We're eager to hear about your experiences! 



Header image: Jan van der Wolf / iStock